MV Medtech

Anesthesia and respiratory equipment

Fabius® Tiro

At its core, the Fabius Tiro anesthesia machine features our powerful and accurate E-vent piston ventilator, which gives you the ability to handle a wide range of acuity levels. Its compact design makes it a natural choice for applications where you need to get the most of the available room without having to compromise on features or flexibility.

  • Lung Protective Ventilation
  • Ventilation Modes
  • Features
  • Technical Data
  • Safety Concept

Fabius® MRI

The Fabius MRI anesthesia machine features our precision E-Vent piston ventilator technology, renowned for both performance and safety. It has been tested for use with MRI systems of 1.5 and 3 Tesla and can be safely operated at field strengths of 40 mtesla (400 gauss). From within the MRI suite, it’s capable of exporting the clinical data you․

  • Fully certified for MRI
  • Broad range of therapy modes
  • High visibility alarms
  • Electronic ventilator
  • Compact design, intelligent ergonomics